Nathaniel Slade
Nathaniel is a programmer, artist, musician and maker -with
degree in music and physics from Edinburgh University. He works in
MaxMSP, does sound design and musical arrangement, interaction
design, mechanics, carpentry and technical prop making.
He developed the "Sonic Soul Suit' midi-triggered costumes that formed the basis for many of Sonic Sideshows performances. He also built a "Room Ghost" sound installation in homage to Alvin Lucia, a Waterwheel-Powered Beats-Sequencer that reads audience drawings, a prototype 'sonic trapeze' and a 'machine' for learning mentalism -among other things. Recent work include new audience profiling and interaction technology for Apocalypse Gameshow (in collaboration with Paul Hanson) a live sound-stage including audio-cut up engines for an AG radio pilot (with Jack Tame) -and working with Arcola Theatre/Energy teaching kids about alternative energy through racing hydrogen-powered model cars. He has also recorded three albums, performed as a guest of the Eddie Martin blues band and of Amanda Palmer, and provided musical support for David Hoyle, La JohnJoseph, and Ophelia Bitz. In 2005 he was Greenman for the annual ritual Beltane performance produced by Edinburgh’s Beltane Fire Society. |